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Working to DAO it

DAO ExpertsObjective Decision MakingDelegate with UsPositive SumWorking to DAO It

about us

Our seasoned team brings diverse expertise to the DAO ecosystem, offering tailored solutions for decentralized governance that meet the unique needs of each DAO we collaborate with.

Our Values

Our Values

  • Facilitating Applications of Distributed Technology

    We help organisations implement decentralised technologies to enhance transparency, efficiency, and equity.

  • Accelerating Human Coordination

    We accelerate collaboration across decentralised networks, enabling diverse teams to collaborate seamlessly and achieve common goals.

  • Positive sum Collaboration

    We strive to make our interactions positive whenever possible, allowing the maximum number of stakeholders to benefit from collaboration.

  • Support the Public Good

    We prioritise initiatives that deliver positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes and contribute to society's greater good.

Our Successful Proposals


Let's work Together

  • DAO Tooling logo

    Tailored tools for a smoother decentralized experience. We keep it simple, avoiding unnecessary complexity to ensure your DAO runs effortlessly.

    DAO Tooling

  • Treasury Manager logo

    Navigate Web3 confidently with our Treasury Management and Governance expertise, from optimizing DAO tooling to crafting governance models.

    Treasury Manager

  • Governance Model Design logo

    Craft a solid governance plan with our research-backed models. We provide clear documentation and follow up to ensure it's seamlessly integrated for effective decision-making.

    Governance Model Design

  • Tokenomics and Education logo

    Design a sustainable token model for your governance tokens and ensure its adoption with our curated education and tokenomics programs. We blend insights from both web2 and web3 governance, providing a comprehensive perspective.

    Tokenomics and Education

What Our
Client Said

"DAOplomats have been outstanding delegates within the 1inch DAO. We have continued to be impressed by their outstanding professionalism and their unwavering commitment to their core values. Their proactive engagement and collaborative spirit make them an excellent addition to any protocol seeking to enhance its governance framework and decentralization efforts with confidence and expertise."



Let's work Together

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